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50,000 Livres2004UNC
1,000 WonND (1983)UNC
5 Dollars2006UNC
50 Dollars1988UNC- - AU
Country in Africa that consists of a group of islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Senegal. Named after the most western cape in Africa. Capital: Praia.
500 Escudos20.01.1977GRADING AU
200 Escudos 08.08.1992 GRADING: UNC
5,000 Escudos 05.07.2000 GRADING: UNC
200 Escudos 20.01.2005 GRADING: UNC
500 Escudos 25.02.2007 GRADING: UNC
1,000 Escudos 25.09.2007 GRADING: UNC
200 Escudos 05.07.2014 (23.12.2014) GRADING: UNC
500 Escudos 05.07.2014 (10.09.2015) GRADING: UNC