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Leave us a message

Dear collector,

please allow us some personal words and remarks about our web-site.

We are convinced that our common hobby, i.e. the targeted collecting of banknotes, imparts knowledge.

Hence our slogan: Collecting banknotes is culture!

Therefore, we believe that many collectors appreciate that we try to provide as much information as possible about individual banknotes and also countries, as far as this is possible in an online store. Of course (or I should better say unfortunately), errors can also "creep in". We ask to excuse these.

You are welcome to write to us.

We are grateful for open, factual constructive criticism and hints - even if we cannot change everything - despite our best will. Also hints to faulty or wrong translations are welcome. Please understand that due to the large amount of daily correspondence, we are not able to respond to every single case.

Unfortunately, some replies may be delayed due to workload, absence during travels ... etc.

Our main goal remains to offer you as many and good banknotes as possible.

We also ask for your understanding and in some cases for some tolerance - before writing a bitter letter.

In any case, we try to give you more information than usual. This also applies to our illustrations and especially to the detail illustrations and the illustrations of signatures on individual banknotes. The somewhat advanced collectors know that there can sometimes be enormous market price differences between variants and "normal" banknotes.

We are well aware that - despite our best efforts - we cannot please everyone.

As a main source for our country-specific information and also geographical, historical information or information about personalities etc. we use above all, the information freely accessible to everyone on Wikipedia, which offers an immense variety of all fields of knowledge in many languages.

I hope you will see during your visit that we have created this online store with best will, great enthusiasm and joy (despite possible small or big mistakes).

We also hope you enjoy collecting (and buying) banknotes, visiting our store and feel a certain pride in your purchased acquisitions.

Warmest regards,


Banknote Shop


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